Email Address
Phone Number
(+62) 8152 254 239
Our Location
United Kingdom
(+62) 8152 254 239
United Kingdom
Online: Simply fill out the referral form below.
Fax: Fax the patient’s information and prescription to: 123 456 789
Email: Send us the patient’s information and prescription via email to: order@rbstechdme.com
Extremity Braces & Other Products RBS Tech DME Offer
RBS Tech DME is the first choice among orthopedic doctors, clinics and patients for top-quality medical devices and equipment.
Contact us to find out if you may qualify for a Medicare covered knee or back brace at little or no cost to you. We’ll make it easy for you and we’ll handle the paperwork should you qualify.
RBS Tech DME provides the highest-quality medical braces for patients being treated for cervical, spine, knee, and extremity pain. Our staff will closely coordinate with your healthcare provider to identify the right pain management solution.
Complete the contact form and we’ll be in touch with you to discuss the next steps.
You can easily find us in Woodlawn, VA, and get directions to our clinic. Contact us today for an appointment or more information about our services. Let us be your first choice for urgent care and beyond.